Connections is an exercise of introspection and honesty, a journey back in time to reflect on some of the moments and relationships that had a meaningful impact on our lives. Connections talks about us all – the experiences that bring us joy or sadness, the little things we might take for granted, the people we meet.
Did you use to invent stories when you were little? What were they about?
Not that my old brain will remember.
What’s a beautiful memory from your childhood?
My best memories date back to 9 months living on my grandfather’s farm when my Dad was away. I was young but everything is vivid – if I had to pick one, sitting on my Grandpa’s lap while he drove the tractor; he let me steer and I thought I was driving!
Tell me about a person who had an impact on your life
I had a senior military boss who gave me an opportunity to flourish and the belief that I could do well. The best mentor I ever had.
What did you learn from your past relationships?
Life is too short to be unhappy – sometimes you need to be brave and set off on your own to find the freedom to be happy. Sometimes, that is a selfish – but necessary – thing to do.
Did a stranger do something nice for you?
Not yet – how cool would that be?
Did you do something nice for a stranger?
I always try to buy a coffee for people I see on the street and offer a few coins and some words of encouragement/a listening ear.
When in your life did you feel most alone?
When I separated from the mother of my children … it was the right thing to do for the adults – but I ache still at the lost time with my children.
(Barrie, 52)